Course curriculum

    1. (Student) P4 Grammar Nouns Cheatsheet

    2. (Students) Week 1 - P4 Spelling

    3. (Student) Week 1 - P4 Grammar (Pronouns)

    4. (Teacher) Week 1 - P4 Spelling

    5. (Teacher) Week 1 - P4 Grammar (Pronouns)

    6. [Recording] Spelling List

    7. [Recording] Personal, Possessive, Reflexive Pronouns (Pg 3 - Pg 4)

    8. [Recording] Exercise 1 (Pg 5 - Pg 6)

    9. [Recording] Indefinite, Reciprocal, Relative Pronouns (Pg 7 - Pg 8)

    10. [Recording] Exercise 2 (Pg 9)

    11. [Recording] Exercise 3 (Pg 10)

    12. [Recording] Current Affairs (Pg 11)

    1. (Student) Week 2 - P4 Spelling

    2. (Student) Week 2 - P4 Comprehension Skills

    3. (Teacher) Week 2 - P4 Spelling

    4. (Teacher) Week 2 - P4 Comprehension Skills

    5. [Recording] Spelling List

    6. [Recording] Spelling Test (Pg 2)

    7. [Recording] Recap (Pg 3)

    8. [Recording] Comprehension Quick Tips (Pg 4)

    9. [Recording] Comprehension Open-Ended Practice 1 (Pg 5 - Pg 7)

    10. [Recording] Comprehension Open-Ended Practice 2 (Pg 8 - Pg 11)

    1. (Student) Week 3 - P4 Spelling

    2. (Student) Week 3 - P4 Synthesis & Transformation (Connectors)

    3. (Teacher) Week 3 - P4 Spelling

    4. (Teacher) Week 3 - P4 Synthesis & Transformation (Connectors)

    5. [Recording] Spelling List

    6. [Recording] Spelling Test (Pg 2)

    7. [Recording] Connectors for Adding Information (Pg 3)

    8. [Recording] Both...And & As Well As (Pg 4 - Pg 5)

    9. [Recording] So & So That (Pg 6 - Pg 7)

    10. [Recording] Neither...Nor (Pg 8 - Pg 9)

    11. [Recording] Either...Or (Pg 10)

    12. [Recording] Summary Practice (Pg 11)

    1. (Student) Week 4 - P4 Spelling

    2. (Student) Week 4 - P4 Vocabulary Skills

    3. (Teacher) Week 4 - P4 Spelling

    4. (Teacher) Week 4 - P4 Vocabulary (for Pg 3-5, no need to print)

    5. (Teacher) Week 4 - P4 Vocabulary Skills

    6. [Recording] Spelling List

    7. [Recording] Spelling Test (Pg 2)

    8. [Recording] Recap Section (Pg 3)

    9. [Recording] Word List (Pg 4 - Pg 6)

    10. [Recording] Where are we (Pg 7 - Pg 8)

    11. [Recording] MCQs (Pg 9)

    12. [Recording] Cloze (Pg 10)

    13. [Recording] Crossword Puzzle (Pg 11)

    14. [Recording] Current Affairs (Pg 12 - Pg 13)

    1. (Student) Week 5 - P4 Spelling

    2. (Student) Week 5 - P4 Grammar (Determiners)

    3. (Teacher) Week 5 - P4 Spelling

    4. (Teacher) Week 5 - P4 Grammar (Determiners)

    5. [Recording] Spelling List

    6. [Recording] Spelling Test (Pg 2)

    7. [Recording] Articles (Pg 3)

    8. [Recording] Exercise 1 (Pg 4)

    9. [Recording] Quantifiers (Pg 5 - Pg 6)

    10. [Recording] Exercise 2 Cloze (Pg 7)

    11. [Recording] Exercise 2 MCQs (Pg 8)

    12. [Recording] Possessives & Demonstratives (Pg 9)

    13. [Recording] Exercise 3 (Pg 10 - Pg 11)

    14. [Recording] Editing (Pg 12)

    1. (Student) Week 6 - P4 Spelling

    2. (Student) Week 6 - P4 Synthesis & Transformation (Time)

    3. (Teacher) Week 6 - P4 Spelling

    4. (Teacher) Week 6 - P4 Synthesis & Transformation (Time)

    5. [Recording] Spelling List

    6. [Recording] Spelling Test (Pg 2)

    7. [Recording] Before & After (Pg 3 - Pg 4)

    8. [Recording] As & When (Pg 5 - Pg 6)

    9. [Recording] While (Pg 7 - Pg 8)

    10. [Recording] Since & Until (Pg 8 - Pg 9)

    11. [Recoding] As Soon As (Pg 10)

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